Exterior & Interior Painting
A great paint job, either inside or outside, can make a house stand out from the crowd. However, not all painters are the same. Nothing can devalue a home faster than a rushed paint job done with inferior materials. Titanium Construction understands that you only get one chance to make a good first impression, so don’t risk it to save a buck. We are confident that we will not only provide you with the best paint job you have ever had, but that we will also stay within your budget!
Interior Painting
We all know that painting can breathe new life into any room, but did you know that it can also help keep your family healthier? We can use paints that do not contain hazardous contaminants, as well as paints that repel stains and impact damage – which can allow moisture to enter the drywall and cause problems. Many homeowners choose to paint themselves, which is a great DIY project, but homeowners can sometimes underestimate the amount of work involved. Preparation is an important part of any paint job. Taping off vulnerable areas, laying down protective material over furniture and flooring, and even ensuring adequate ventilation are all steps that can be overlooked.
Exterior Painting
The home’s exterior paint is what distinguishes it from its neighbours. It can communicate your style to the rest of the world while also providing an inviting warmth to all who enter. When painting your home, ABC uses only the highest quality exterior paint products and materials. We use wood, stone, and stucco. We make certain that our products are environmentally friendly and safe for everyone. A good exterior paint job can also keep its occupants safe by preventing water and other elements from causing damage. A well-painted home can also increase the value of your property. Painting may appear to be the ideal DIY project, but why risk becoming overwhelmed? Allow ABC to provide you with an exterior design estimate.